casillero del diablo pinot noir

casillero del diablo pinot noir-nairobidrinks
pieces of
piece of
750 ml
@ Ksh 2,200
Product Name Casillero del diablo pinot noir
Volume 750 ml
750 ml @Ksh 2,200
Country Chile
Alcohol Content 13.5%
Brand Casillero Del Diablo
Type Wine
Availability In Stock
Shipment in Nairobi Free*
Average Rating
 5.0 (1 reviews)
Pinot noir
Red wine
Red dry wine

Casillero del diablo pinot noir

casillero del diablo pinot noir is a wine that belongs to Casillero Del Diablo family. It is classified as pinot-noir and is produced in Chile. casillero del diablo pinot noir has 13.5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume). This wine comes in 750 ml which cost Ksh 2200. This product is currently in stock and you can order it now. Enjoy free alcohol delivery and casillero del diablo pinot noir best prices in Kenya. We are offering it in both wholesale and retail prices hence you can order casillero del diablo pinot noir wine for parties and other occasions.

Buy casillero del diablo pinot noir at the best casillero del diablo pinot noir price in Kenya. We also stock other wine brands in Kenya such as 4th Street sweet rose, asconi kagor lux, harveys bristol cream sherry, 4th street rose' cask. Visit our wine shop to explore our extensive library

Alcohol Delivery Kenya is by large the best online liquor store in Kenya. Get free and fast alcohol delivery in Nairobi today for retail, wholesale and corporate purchases. For orders withing Nairobi our Delivery time is 10 – 30 mins and less than 24 hours to other parts of the country.

Alcohol Delivery Kenya offers flexible payment methods :
  • Mpesa (till - 723079 / send money - 0714798820)
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To order genuine drinks online in Kenya call, sms, WhatsApp 0714798820. For a great experience, download our Mobile App to keep posted on our offers. Alcohol Delivery Kenya being a wine enthusiast and a drinks expert offers updates, information and fun facts via our blog. Follow us on facebook, twitter and on instagram for updates and to check for alcohol offers.

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